
Beta Mathematics Workbook, 3e

Edify Beta Mathematics Workbook 3e by David Barton

Beta Mathematics Workbook
Third Edition
David Barton
190 pages 

ISBN: 9780947496494

Edify Limited ©2019


Now available

This new edition of the Beta Mathematics Workbook contains many more of the questions and activities for which David Barton is famous: well-graded, interesting and linked throughout to real-world applications. 

Developed in conjunction with Beta Mathematics, the only current New Zealand-written secondary mathematics textbook, this write-on workbook will help students master the material they need to succeed in Level 5 Mathematics and Statistics of the New Zealand Curriculum.


  • The exercises in this workbook are matched to corresponding exercises in Beta Mathematics third edition, making it easy for teachers to choose, and students to do, homework, extra practice and revision that match what is done in class.
  • The contents of this workbook are organised into the three strands of Level 5 Mathematics and Statistics in the New Zealand Curriculum : Number and Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Statistics.


View selected Sample Pages here


Further student resources including spreadsheets and blackline masters are available to download here.


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