Edify Limited
Edify Limited is a New Zealand owned independent Educational Publishing and Distribution company. Edify publishes its own list and partners with a range of other providers to deliver market leading content and digital solutions.
Sheena is an experienced teacher who has taught in New Zealand, the UK and the United States. She has taught at primary, intermediate and tertiary levels. Sheena currently facilitates literacy workshops both in New Zealand and internationally and is the author of The Reading Activity Handbook, The Publishing and Display Handbook and Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies published by Pearson and available to buy online here.
Louise is an experienced teacher, consultant and trainer who has worked in New Zealand and the UK. She facilitates literacy training and school-based professional learning in New Zealand and Australia. She has completed a range of writing projects for NZ and English publishers, including the Department of Education in the UK.
Encourage students to share and edit their writing with a partner.
Students use this stamp to indicate they have checked their own writing.
Indicate feedback has been given to a student.
Encourage students to reflect and comment on each other’s writing ...