Edify Limited
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This third edition of Alpha Mathematics is written for Level 4 Mathematics and Statistics in the New Zealand Curriculum. The content matches the three curriculum strands: Number and Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Statistics.
As a key component in the only current New Zealand-written secondary mathematics series, Alpha Mathematics is rich in cross-curricular applications, which are always grounded in a New Zealand context. The mathematical activities are designed to relate to the students’ own experiences.
New to this edition
In Number and Algebra, the book has a new focus on the Numeracy Project and improved coverage of fractions. Geometry and Measurement now includes an introduction to angles on parallel lines. And finally, in Statistics, you will find new coverage of the statistical enquiry cycle (PPDAC), providing a seamless introduction to the way statistics is covered in NCEA.
View Preface and Contents pages here
This textbook can be used alongside the other elements of the Alpha Mathematics package:
Contact your Edify Education Consultant to learn more.