
Life Processes, Ecology and Evolution

Life Processes, Ecology and Evolution - available from Edify

Life Processes, Ecology and Evolution
Integrated Text and Workbook Edition for NCEA Level 2 Biology
Rachel Heeney and Peter Shepherd
376 pages   

ISBN: 9780947496517

Edify Limited ©2018


Now available! 

A complete text and workbook package for Biology NCEA Level 2


The aim of Life Processes, Ecology and Evolution is to present material in a way that meets the needs of all students. This unique text- and workbook will help students understand the important principles of biology, learn how the scientific process works, and become confident to embrace the potential biology offers our society.

Each of the Achievement Standards are covered with an emphasis on gaining a solid understanding of the principles and processes involved. The book offers a great variety of activities from relevant contexts and, importantly for students, there is enough room for the answers!

Each topic is explored fully, and there are two NCEA-style exams per externally assessed standard. The internals are also covered with ideas and tips for unpacking the meaning of the standard, so students can gain success and enjoy learning about biology issues, investigations and diversity.

When students work through this book they will end up with a complete package of notes, definitions, worked examples and exam practice. It has been designed to be used at home, for homework or as a developing set of notes in class. The teacher can meld this into their classroom practice any way they choose.


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Supporting digital resources for students and teachers are available online:

  • Article analysis outline
  • Drawing practice activity
  • Genetic variation activity
  • Investigation critique
  • Investigation plan
  • Workbook Answers


About the authors

Rachel Heeney has had 25 years experience in teaching biology (and is still a full time Head of biology), and has met with many teachers throughout New Zealand to get a clear picture of the needs of the New Zealand biology students. She has been involved in many roles in biology education and here works with Professor Peter Shepherd to provide a cutting-edge approach to science with familiar NCEA-style and approachable language.

The original Life Processes, Ecology and Evolution, on which this book is based, won the Best Book or Series in Secondary Publishing award at the Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) Educational Publishing Awards in 2012. The judges commended the book as being one that would “inspire young science students.”


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Cover Image

The orange "blob" you see on the cover is a restriction enzyme or endonuclease - an enzyme that cuts a DNA molecule (the blue bits) at a specific location.

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