
Coastal Processes, 2e

Coastal Processes NCEA Level 3 Geography

Coastal Processes 
Level 3 NCEA Geography
Second Edition
Steve Beguely

ISBN: 9780947496531

Edify Limited ©2017


Now available!

Coastal Processes provides an essential resource for teachers and students using beaches and coasts as their natural environment in fulfilling the requirements of NCEA Geography Achievement Standard  3.1 'Demonstrate understanding of how interacting natural processes shape a New Zealand geographic environment'. 

It will help students gain a comprehensive and thoroughly geographical understanding of the natural and human processes at work at the interface of land and sea. A highly accessible text, adaptable for all Level 3 Geography students, it also contains extension material by way of stimulus and further direction for research for those students aiming at Excellence (Level 3), and for Level 4 scholarship candidates. 

As well as a general overview of all coastal landscapes and the processes at work within them, the book contains material on: 

  • global patterns and global issues 
  • New Zealand’s coastal environment – allowing students to place their local study in its national setting 
  • issues in coastal management in New Zealand and ways in which different perspectives can be reconciled 
  • the application of coastal geography principles to the art and science of surfing 

The activities in Coastal Processes have been designed to guide students to a thorough understanding of the processes, phenomena and elements of coastal landscapes. 

View Table of Contents

Coastal Processes is complemented by Muriwai: A Field Guide, a resource for geography students exploring the rich landscapes our coastal regions have to offer.


Teaching Resources

  • a PDF with complete answers for all Learning Activities is available for download here.
  • 4-colour maps and photos are available from our Image Bank here


About the Author

Steve Beguely (BA, BTh(Hons), DipTchg) has taught for over 35 years in a variety of schools from decile 3 to decile 9. During that time he has held the position of HOD Geography and Social Studies, and Head of Social Sciences, a position which he held for a decade at Rutherford College, Auckland. He has been actively involved in assisting teachers with the implementation of NCEA, and is currently pursuing new directions in writing. 


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