
Te Whanake 2: Te Pihinga Pukapuka Tātaki - Study Guide, 2e

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Te Pihinga Pukapuka Tātaki Study Guide
Stopgap - Second  Edition
Te Whanake 2
John C. Moorfield

ISBN: 9780947494216

Edify Limited ©2019 

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Edify Stopgap Edition - now available!

Back in print!

This version replaces the Pearson title Te Whanake 2: Te Pihinga Study Guide (ISBN: 9780582545700), which is out of print and can no longer be supplied.

To keep the whole series fully operational, while we prepare new editions, we have produced an Edify "Stopgap" edition. The content is the same as the previous Pearson title and continues to match the work in the Te Pihinga textbook.


About the Study Guide

This study guide is designed to accompany Te Pihinga (Second edition), the second-level text of the Te Whanake Māori language series. It contains grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing exercises for independent study. These allow the student to practice the language introduced and explained in the corresponding chapter of the textbook. Suggestions are also given to help students with the more general skills underlying language acquisition such as: deducing meaning from context, using words correctly and reading for meaning.

Model answers are provided for most exercises.


About the Te Whanake Series

The Te Whanake Māori language series aims to provide the resources which will enable learners to become fluent and literate in Māori.

Other Te Whanake resources available:

  • Text books 1-4 Te Kākano, Te Pihinga, Te Māhuri, and Te Kōhure 
  • Teachers’ Manuals (available from
  • Study Guide 3 
  • Te Aka, Māori-English, English-Māori Dictionary and Index 
  • Te Whanake Tablet App - text books and resources bundled into one app (available on the App Store and Google Play)


Kua tuhia tēnei pukapuka tātaki hei hoa mō Te Pihinga, te pukapuka tuarua o Te Whanake, ngā rauemi hei ako i te reo Māori. Kei roto i tēnei pukapuka he whakamārama, he mahi hoki hei ako i ngā kupu, i te whakatakoto i ngā kupu, i te pānui me te tuhituhi. Mā te akonga tonu ēnei e mahi, ā, e hāngai ana ngā mahi o te pukapuka tātaki nei ki ia wāhanga o Te Pihinga. He whakaaro anō hoki kei roto i te pukapuka nei hei āwhina i te akonga ki te ako i ngā pūkenga whānui o te reo, arā, ki te kimi i te māramatanga o ngā tikanga o ngā kupu mai i te horopaki; ko te mōhio ki te whakamahi i ngā kupu i te wā e tika ana; me te mōhio ki te tikanga o ngā kōrero e pānuitia ana.

Kua tāpiritia anō hoki he whakautu mō te nuinga o ngā mahi hei tauira. 

Kua āta hangaia ngā rauemi o Te Whanake, kia whanake ai te reo Māori o te akonga. Hāunga ngā pukapuka e whā o Te Whanake, he rīpene whakarongo, he rīpene whakaata, he pukapuka ārahi i ngā kaiwhakaako me tētahi papakupu, kupu tohu anō hoki hei āwhina i te akonga me te kaiako. 


Anei ētahi atu rauemi o Te Whanake:

  • He pukapuka matua: ko Te Kākano, ko Te Pihinga, ko Te Māhuri me Te Kōhure 
  • He pukapuka ārahi i ngā kaiwhakaako (mai i
  • He Pukapuka Tātaki 
  • He papakupu: ko Te Aka, Māori-English, English-Māori Dictionary and Index 
  • He pūmanawa tautono Te Whanake mō te paparorohiko - Kua paiheretia tahitia te pukapuka matua me ngā rauemi ki te pūmanawa tautono kotahi (mai i te Apple Store me Google Play)

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