
Year 11 Statistics and Probability


Year 11 Statistics and Probability
1st Edition
David Barton
120 pages approximately

ISBN:  9780947494773

Edify Limited ©2024


The Edify Year 11 Workbook series is written for Level 6 Mathematics and Statistics in the New Zealand Curriculum. It adheres to the new approach from the Ministry of Education, where the pendulum has swung back towards the importance of students learning from the whole curriculum rather than cherry-picking a few Achievement Standards. These workbooks are composed of complementary units that, when used together, provide a complete solution for students and teachers. 

There are 5 workbooks in this series, to correlate to the five curriculum strands: Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Statistics and Probability. 

These workbooks can be used alongside the other elements of the Edify Year 11 Mathematics package: 

  • The Edify Year 11 Mathematics Digital Resources

  • Additional student resources, such as spreadsheets and data sets available at

There is extensive space for students to write answers, including working. The tasks are graded in order of difficulty, and applications are set in a contemporary New Zealand context.

All five workbooks offer comprehensive coverage of the updated curriculum, with plenty of material for the externally assessed achievement standards, plus more open-ended tasks that can be used to prepare for the internally assessed components of NCEA.

The workbooks can be used for a combination of work in class and tasks covered in the students' own time. They feature in-depth explanations, worked examples and questions that are carefully graded in difficulty. All five workbooks include revision sections on skills, practice assessments and investigations.

Year 11 Statistics and Probability

Table of Contents

NCEA Level 1 Mathematics and Statistics based on Level 6 of the Curriculum

1 Statistical measures, sampling and presenting data
1A Variables in statistics
1B Dot plots and distributions
1C Measures of spread
1D Box plots
1E Side-by-side box plots
1F Comparing dot plots and box plots
1G Cleaning data
1H Sampling
1I Using random numbers in sampling

2 Multivariate data
2A Multivariate data and comparison questions
2B Making a call – overlapping box plots
2C Making a call – difference between the medians (DBM) versus overall visible
spread (OVS)
2D Making a call - mixed
2E Multivariate data comparison investigations

3 Statistical relationships
3A Bivariate data – relationship questions
3B Scatter plots
3C Using technology to draw scatter plots
3D Lines of best fit

3E The equation of the line of best fit
3F Non-linear relationships
3G Bivariate data relationship investigations

4 Time series
4A Features of time series
4B Time series and spreadsheets

5 Probability
5A Equally likely outcomes
5B Probability from two-way tables
5C Conditional probability – reducing the sample space
5D Tree diagrams
5E Expected number

6 Experimental probability and simulations
6A Experimental probability and relative frequency
6B Simulation leading to long-run relative frequency
6C Informal inference – experiments versus models

7 Interpreting statistical information
7A Interpreting statistical graphs
7B Interpreting statistical reports

8 Practice assessments
8A Practice assessment 1
8B Practice assessment 2
8C Practice assessment 3
8D Practice assessment 4

8E Practice assessment 5
8F Practice assessment 6

9 Investigations
9A Blackjack simulation
9B South Pacific cyclones
9C The forest block
9D Electric grass trimmers
9E Ride-share data – distance and price
9F Queenstown Airport passenger numbers
9G Landline versus mobile
9H Political graphics


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How many flags?
Coloured marbles

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