
Love Your Career From The Start

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Love Your Career From The Start
Making decisions for your future – a guide
for young adults
Caroline Sandford
164 pages, 4-colour

ISBN: 9781877429293

Calico Publishing ©2020


Now available


  • How do you figure out what sort of work is right for you?
  • Do you choose university, find a trade, or get a job?
  • What subjects do you study to make sure you then find work?
  • What if you choose a course or job you don’t like?
  • What if you decide on a line of work that doesn’t exist in five years’ time?


The answers start with first understanding how to make good decisions for yourself.


This practical book for 15–25-year-olds introduces the four key stages involved in making good decisions for your career. It contains easy exercises that will help you:

  • understand who you are and who you want to become,
  • explore the options that are right for you, 
  • create an action plan that ensures you have what you need to realise your goals, 
  • identify the strategies your need to create the future that YOU want.


Based on solid research and proven theory, this book will help give young people the clarity and confidence they need when deciding on their career and future world of work.


View Contents and Sample Pages


About the author

Caroline Sandford is a New Zealand career specialist and certified coach with over 20 years’ experience. She has an MA (Hons.) in Industrial Psychology and a Graduate Certificate in Career Development. She is also a Fellow of Career Development Association of New Zealand, and a member of HRNZ, CATE and ICF.




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