
Maths Aotearoa 4b Teacher eBook

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Maths Aotearoa 4b
Teacher VitalSource eBook
Third Edition
Charlotte Wilkinson
TBC pages 

ISBN: 9780947494568

Edify Limited ©2022


Now available

Digital Access Code - When you purchase a Maths Aotearoa VitalSource eBook you will receive, via email, your unique redemption code and instructions on how to access this PDF format eBook (within one business day).

NB: This eBook is not licensed to project to a screen for classroom teaching.

Maths Aotearoa for the New Zealand Curriculum

Maths Aotearoa Level 4 is divided into two books, 4a and 4b. 

Students working at 4b already have good additive strategies. They should know their multiplication facts in order to develop efficient multiplicative strategies and begin to develop proportional reasoning. Number is extended into algebraic formulae and also used across the other strands of Geometry & Measurement, and Statistics. Students also develop their statistical thinking.

Level 4b Teacher Book

This teacher book provides the tools to plan a mathematics programme to meet the needs of all students. The book is divided into two units of work, with curriculum links and learning progression links for each unit. Each chapter identifies the concept development, key knowledge, and specific learning outcomes covered.

Teacher guidance is provided to build teacher expert content knowledge and demonstrate how to make the best use of the pages in the student book. There are assessment tasks and a record sheet for tracking individual students’ progress, as well as answers to all questions. Links to appropriate “Figure it Out” activities and Wilkie Way resources for each chapter are also included.

View Sample Pages

View Learning Progression Framework and Maths Aotearoa Chart


Online Supplements: Download free Teacher Resources here (in preparation)


About the series: Maths Aotearoa is the new, updated edition of the well-loved and trusted Pearson Mathematics series.

All Student and Teacher resources are being brought up-to-date with developments in the New Zealand curriculum and include Learning Progressions for each unit, as well as concept development and key knowledge building for each chapter.

View Maths Aotearoa Series Overview


About VitalSource: VitalSource is a platform for reading eBooks.  With VitalSource, an individual eBook code is redeemed, and then you can access/download your eBook on 2 computers and 2 mobile devices using the free  VitalSource Bookshelf app.  VitalSource Bookshelf is compatible with Macs and PCs as well as iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, and Chromebook devices.

Important Note: VitalSource eBooks cannot be uploaded to any School Content Management System.  There are also restrictions regarding printing and the use of copy & paste.

Expiry Date: This VitalSource eBook does not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your eBook whilst you have your VitalSource Bookshelf installed.


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