
Twig - Middle/Secondary

Twig - buy online from Edify

For students aged 11 - 16
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© Twig Education 

Twig - buy online from Edify

An award-winning teaching resource.  Over 1700, 3-minute films matched to your curriculum with images, diagrams, quizzes and support materials. 

All online.       All in one place!

Twig - available from Edify

Why choose Twig?

  • Tailor-made for teachers  The Twig website provides school-wide access to thousands of three-minute films for Science, Maths and Geography, as well as worksheets, lesson plans, quizzes and diagrams.
  • Easy to use resources. Simply slot them into your existing lesson plans or use them as inspiration for future lessons.
  • No need to search the internet for safe, age-appropriate content that is going to engage your students – it’s all been done for you.


Explore Twig's Films and Resources

Twig basics:

  • Twig offers over 1700 short films, created specifically for the classroom.
  • Twig content has been created by teachers and academics, so our content is directly relevant to curricula.
  • Twig films cover Science, Maths and Geography for students aged 11 - 16.
  • Twig Experiments offer over 300 short films covering 81 key experiments.


Explore Twig             Sign up for a free trial

If you would like to learn more contact your Edify Education Consultant to arrange a demonstration.

Digital Product Purchase

When you purchase a Twig subscription you will receive your unique access details and instructions on how to access this product, via email, within 2 business days.

Edify Limited

Edify Limited is a New Zealand owned independent Educational Publishing and Distribution company. Edify publishes its own list and partners with a range of other providers to deliver market leading content and digital solutions.