
Food Safety - Whakamaru Kai

Food Safety - Whakamaru kai. Buy online from Edify

Food Safety – Whakamaru Kai
A guide for New Zealand food handlers
Lesley Christensen-Yule 
88 pages

ISBN: 9780947496708

Edify Limited ©2019

Also available in eBook format


Now available

Food Safety - Whakamaru Kai is a New Zealand resource for secondary and tertiary students who study food safety as part of hospitality or cookery courses, or who take a basic food safety course with a City Council or a tertiary provider.

Combining everything you need to know to easily pass NZQA Unit Standards 167, 168 and 20666 or equivalent papers or courses, Food Safety explains the important concepts in easy-to-read language and with real-life examples. Learn first to identify each food hazard, and then understand what must be done to prevent and control it.

Food Safety - Whakamaru Kai covers:

  • Common food hazards - what to watch out for
  • Cross-contamination - how do the nasties get into our food
  • Personal hygiene - getting into the right habits
  • Food hygiene - how to handle, store and cook your food
  • Kitchen hygiene - run your food business safely
  • Pets and pests - avoiding contamination
  • Keeping viruses, bacteria, toxins, spores, parasites, fungi and mould at bay
  • Food allergies - keeping customers safe
  • Chemical and physical food hazards
  • Food Safety and Control Plans


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Teacher resources, including worksheets and interactive quizzes for students, are available for download here.


About the author:

Lesley Christensen-Yule trained in City and Guilds in Scotland before returning to New Zealand to work as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Hotel and Restaurant Studies at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) for 20 years.

Lesley has extensive industry experience and has written numerous training manuals for use within hospitality education. She is the author of A Cook’s Bible (Penguin, 2007) and The New Zealand Cook’s Bible (Penguin, 2010). Lesley has been the lead author of The New Zealand Chef and The New Zealand Chef Study Guide since the first edition in 2002.

Lesley first taught Food Safety years ago and since 2003 the subject has been a crucial part of the chef training textbook, The New Zealand Chef, now into its 4th edition. Recently Lesley has been involved in teaching Food Safety again and became aware of a need for a better teaching resource as many students find the subject a bit boring and hard to learn. Food Safety hopes to provide a solution to this.


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